
The utilities sector is a challenging environment for logistics and operations managers where there is often a heavy strain on the allocation of resources.

Seeing the ‘big picture’ is critical and the ability to view the status and whereabouts of each of vehicles and remote assets is essential. The Web Track GPS Tracking solution allows you to fully utilise your assets and deal with the unexpected when the situation arises.

Unfortunately there are still too many companies and Government agencies who are currently not remotely monitoring their workforce and assets in real time, resulting in reduced utilisation, security risks and unauthorised use of assets.

Many organisations would like to improve the ways in which they manage their workforce and assets, and being able to combine affordable remote monitoring with asset tracking is identified as the most viable way of improving profitability, increasing safety levels, and reducing costs whilst strengthening customer relationships.

Web Track monitoring units can be installed quickly and easily, and provide status updates and automatic alerts via SMS or email of critical events.

The business information gathered from The Web Track GPS Tracking Systems can be used to:

  • Respond to emergency’s more efficiently
  • Provide workers with robust safety solutions
  • Reduce costs
  • Ensure continued operation
  • Safeguard assets
  • Minimise emergency repairs
  • Improve customer service
  • Eliminate unauthorised use of equipment

Web Track have a number of high profile Utility clients using Web Track Next G and Satellite Monitoring services with SOS Pendant for field workers.